Tuesday, May 20, 2014

New Title, New Outlook!

No, you read that right! I have given my blog a face lift! I have been thinking a lot about this blog and what I want to use it for, and I think that limiting myself to ONLY talking about teaching is L-A-M-E. I love my job, but there is so much more I am passionate about and want to share with others. You may find a lot of posts not about teaching in the next few months, but I promise it will all be worth reading (to someone).

So what will I post about now, you ask??
Well... I have lots to say about
-special education
-being a mommy/parent
-being an LEO wife (law Enforcement Officer, for those of you not in the club ;-))
-my adventures in staying healthy
-trying new things, and failing or maybe succeeding!
-my obsession with projects at my house

the list goes on, and on. So sit back, and enjoy! Hopefully there is something that you enjoy reading about and maybe someone will find joy, or power from something I post.

Monday, January 27, 2014


Okay, I can't resist!
I have to post something of my own choosing.

I am still amazed at how many teachers/parents do not know about this fantastic website!

This is me on the game! Most games are free for math, but you can also pay a monthly fee to get tons of really neat data tools and also reading/language games! My students are addicted (and me too). I usually allow kids to play this when they complete their other work, or we will have it as part of my Daily 5ish centers. I like to create lessons and choose which common core standards my students need to work on, and then watch their progress.
We usually have little competitions in my class too. Students earn coins with correct answers and then can spend it (when I open the store or after 3:30p). They also can move up to different animal levels, and I have a challenge that whoever can get past my animal level will earn a candy bar. The kids are constantly trying to beat me, and I even play them in games sometimes. I MIGHT even LET them win sometimes ;-)

There are lots of levels, I'm only on level 4.. I mean, I am a Harpy Eagle!!
The questions range from 1st grade to 8th grade and get pretty in depth on computation. The program is always adding more and more games/standards too so it has really grown in recent years.
I do not know much about their reading/language program as we do not have a subscription. :-(
A girl can dream though!
Go sign-up parents/teachers! It is easy and worth it! Let me know your thoughts on the program! And if you can beat my level, I owe you a candy bar ;-)

Long Time, no See!

Well, I can see my blog has been pretty popular lately. I love that pinterest is helping so many of you get a hold of something like the bookmark I created! I smile when I think about the hours I saved you!!

So where have I been you ask?? WELLLLLL, I have been taking classes to finish my masters and also had a baby! Oh, that isn't enough of an excuse.. hmm okay well I also moved...TWICE!, with a 2 week old baby! And to top it all off I was on unexpected bed rest for 10 weeks before having our little lovely. Alright, I'm done with excuses I need to get back to helping you as I know so many other blogs help me.

So cyber world, what would you like this special education teacher to focus on?? I'd love to hear what you need!
