Monday, January 27, 2014

Long Time, no See!

Well, I can see my blog has been pretty popular lately. I love that pinterest is helping so many of you get a hold of something like the bookmark I created! I smile when I think about the hours I saved you!!

So where have I been you ask?? WELLLLLL, I have been taking classes to finish my masters and also had a baby! Oh, that isn't enough of an excuse.. hmm okay well I also moved...TWICE!, with a 2 week old baby! And to top it all off I was on unexpected bed rest for 10 weeks before having our little lovely. Alright, I'm done with excuses I need to get back to helping you as I know so many other blogs help me.

So cyber world, what would you like this special education teacher to focus on?? I'd love to hear what you need!


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